The “Fundacion Madonna di Monte Berico para la formacion de la youth campesina de Bolivia” was established on 12 December 2001 in Cochabamba (Bolivia). It is the historical partner of Colomitalia in the “Casa Estudinatil.

The founding members were Monsignor Tito Solari, Archbishop of Cochabamba, Anna Maria Bertoldo, founder of the Casa Estudiantil, Adriano Guglielmini, executor of Pietro Moretto, whose donation allowed the construction of a large part of the Casa Estudiantil building, Father Martin Gurini Dossi, pro tempore parish priest of Colomi.

The Foundation has its own ecclesiastical legal personality in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Canon Law and in accordance with the Civil Code of Bolivia.

Its assets consist of immovable and movable assets and donations, for which the Foundation has the obligation to conserve and maintain.

The Foundation is directed by a Board of Directors, made up of ex-officio and designated members which has, among its tasks, that of “governing” the Casa Estudiantil, and preparing and annually approving the final and budgetary budgets. In particular, the President, elected from among the members of the Council, hires or fires the educational, administrative or otherwise necessary personnel for carrying out the activities of the Casa Estudiantil, coordinates and controls their activities.

The function of Bursar of the Foundation is carried out by the Director of the Casa Estudiantil.